This Natural 1-Ingredient Hair Rinse Will Finally Put an End to Greasy Strands
After spending all summer braving brutal heat, I started to question why I even bothered to shampoo my hair. It just ends up a greasy mess halfway through the day (truthfully, my hair is so fine it happens even when the weather is mild), but after desperately searching for something to help I stumbled upon a simple tip that totally did the trick.
A wellness and lifestyle blogger for Coconuts and Kettlebells, recommended using apple cider vinegar (ACV) as a rinse to help rebalance the pH levels on our scalp and strands. It might sound a little weird, but since I already had a bottle of ACV in my kitchen — I use Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ($13.79, Amazon) — I figured why not give it a shot? Noelle suggests shampooing normally first, then mixing a couple tablespoons with water and essential oils (mostly to mask the smell) and applying to your scalp and hair.
Yes, there was the tell-tale aroma of vinegar while I applied it, but it didn’t cling to my locks like I thought it would. I let it sit a minute or two, washed it out, then skipped the conditioner and finished showering per usual. Any smell was gone before I even stepped onto my bathmat. Almost immediately, I could tell my strands felt much more sleek and soft — even more than when I use a regular conditioner.
The next day was another hot one for New York City and my commute to the office includes a 10 minute walk through the glaring sunshine. At one point, I had to wait for what felt like forever (but probably was just a few minutes) for the light to change so I could cross the street. I could feel the beams heating up my scalp and hair the whole time. I pulled the strands up into a low, loose bun as I made my way to my desk and prepared myself for the inevitable greasy texture to remain even after the layer of sweat dried off. After I cooled back down, I took a quick glance at my hair in the mirror to see how it was holding up. Somehow, the ACV seemed to work! Instead of oily strands clinging to my scalp, they looked as fresh and clean as they did before I left for work that day.
I tested the grease-factor again by walking a little farther to grab lunch than I usually would (especially on a hot day with a black shirt on). Again, once I cooled back down at my desk, there was no sign I had ever been a little overheated. I feel like a whole new person — and it was so easy to do!
Noelle recommends doing the rinse a couple times a week, and after my own results, I’m definitely going to follow her advice and see if I can maintain this new and improved version of my hair. Everyone is different, though, so it’s important to pay attention to how your locks react to the rinse before deciding to go all in.
Here’s hoping we can all unlock the beautiful, glamorous hair we deserve!
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