Why Facial Acupuncture Is a Great Natural Botox Alternative
If you’ve ever thought about getting botox injections, you may want to consider facial acupuncture first. Similar to regular acupuncture, where tiny needles are inserted by a specialist into different points in the body, many beauty experts are recommending this treatment for those looking to prevent and even reverse the signs of aging.
Acupuncture originated in Chinese Traditional Medicine, which works on the premise that our organs, tissues, and muscles can all be stimulated and relaxed through different points on the body. In acupuncture, a very small, thin needle is inserted at these different pressure points which helps to bring relief from a variety of ailments like headaches, nausea, fatigue, body pain, and more. So what can it do for your face?
For the session, an acupuncturist will gently insert a few tiny needles into different points on the face, such as the forehead, cheeks, and the area around the eyes. Our face has many muscles in it that require circulation, and even more as we get older if we want to keep our skin looking supple. These insertions cause something called “positive microtraumas” in the surface of the skin, which signals the bodies healing mechanisms and flushes blood to the area. This stimulates circulation and lymphatic drainage in the face, deflating any puffy areas while sending fresh blood to the skin’s surface which encourages cell renewal, increases collagen production, and fights the signs of aging.
Many practitioners offer facial acupuncture as a solo service, but some experts believe it’s better paired with a full acupuncture treatment. Amanda Beisel, acupuncturist and founder of SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic, told Healthline, “If you were just going to put a large number of needles in the face and not the full body, this would result in energy congestion in the face. A client can experience dullness, headache, and discomfort.” Your body probably deserves a little TLC, too — so why not give it a try?
Well for starters, the pain! Well, we’re here to let you know that there is nothing to worry about. I’ve had acupuncture treatments where needles were stuck in some interesting places, but there was little to no discomfort at all! So if you’re looking for a safer, more pain free way to revitalize your skin and your health, acupuncture is something you should definitely try.
What’s more, acupuncture is generally less expensive than something like botox, in which one sitting can run you upwards of $300. Acupuncture sessions can range quite a bit in price, but in general, an intro session will cost you as little as $50. You can even try sites like Groupon for great local deals in your area, just do your research to make sure it is from a reputable practitioner.
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