There’s Something in This Pile of Leaves That Will Put a Huge Smile on Your Face
Who doesn’t love autumn? Crisp weather, gorgeous foliage, cozy warm drinks, fabulous food–the list goes on. But NOBODY is more fond of fall than the cutie in this video, whose name we’re kind of obsessed with: Stella.
Wondering where Stella is? Well, at first she’s hiding in this big pile of colorful leaves, but she’s about to pop up and entertain you with her excited, boisterous antics. It’s like she’s so happy with the season that she literally can’t contain herself. Neither can the child who’s watching her play–and neither can we! Check it out.
If Stella’s humans were planning on getting any yard work done, that idea is obviously out. She is hell-bent on messing those leaf piles up, and loving every minute of it.