Horoscope: What’s in Store for You June 26 – July 2, 2023?
What's in store for your star sign this week?
Happy Sunday! Today offers an opportunity to relax and recharge, but also plan ahead for the upcoming week. Using horoscopes, you can have a sense of what’s to come because they predict future lift events (big or small). Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week, June 26 to July 2, 2023.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18
Research wellness routines from the 26th on. Trading notes with friends could lead you down an intriguing path. And on the 28th, you may have an epiphany related to moneymaking that leads to bolstered cash flow. Go for it!
Your lucky days: June 25, 27, 30
Your lucky numbers: 2, 6, 11
PISCES Feb. 19–Mar. 20
You’ll have a surge of creativity from the 26th on. Trust that your artistic impulses can lead to fulfillment. Around the 29th, meditate on and review big-picture goals. You’ll do well to dream even bigger than usual now!
Your lucky days: June 28, 29, July 1
Your lucky numbers: 8, 9, 12
ARIES Mar. 21–Apr. 19
Spend more time with loved ones enjoying heartfelt conversations come the 26th. Everyday moments together bring you bliss. From the 30th on, your intuition is sharper than ever. Tune into it to strengthen your self-awareness.
Your lucky days: June 25, 26, July 1
Your lucky numbers: 1, 4, 12
TAURUS Apr. 20–May 20
On the 27th, your calendar is sure to be extra packed with get-togethers. Take time out to rest and recharge when needed! Come the 28th, you’ll have an epiphany about the groups you want to be a part of. Trust your gut.
Your lucky days: June 28, 29, 30
Your lucky numbers: 2, 3, 11
GEMINI May 21–June 20
You can readily gather information about a moneymaking plan from the 26th on. And come the 30th, you’ll be more likely to have a breakthrough related to a long-term goal. Trust your heart to lead the way.
Your lucky days: June 25, 26, 27
Your lucky numbers: 2, 10, 12
CANCER June 21–July 22
From the 26th on, you’ll feel empowered to share what’s on your mind with loved ones. Then on the 28th, you’ll be ready to sign up for a class that will allow you to hone a skill set close to your heart. Go for it!
Your lucky days: June 26, 27, 28
Your lucky numbers: 1, 5, 9
LEO July 23–Aug. 22
Introspection comes more naturally than usual on the 25th. Take time to journal or meditate: It’ll benefit your emotional well-being. And on the 30th, you’ll gain clarity around emotional issues within your closest bonds.
Your lucky days: June 25, 26, 27
Your lucky numbers: 8, 12, 17
VIRGO Aug. 23–Sept. 22
Prioritize time with friends and colleagues from the 26th on. You’ll feel more connected and supported. On the 27th, pairing up with a dear friend on a long-term effort to hit a shared goal can lead to rewards for you both. Enjoy!
Your lucky days: June 28, 29, 30
Your lucky numbers: 7, 11, 15
LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22
Step into the spotlight on the 27th. People you respect could offer a round of applause. Then, you could better understand how stress affects your well-being on the 29th. Take action to feel more vital. You’ll soar!
Your lucky days: June 26, 27, 28
Your lucky numbers: 6, 7, 10
SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21
You’ll be eager to exchange ideas with friends from the 25th on. Get out of your routine together: you’re sure to make memories. Come the 1st, you’ll find it’s easier to try an imaginative, creatively fulfilling project.
Your lucky days: June 28, 29, July 1
Your lucky numbers: 5, 9, 18
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22–Dec. 21
On the 28th, you may cross wires with a dear friend. Wait until the dust settles to resume your chat. From the 30th on, you’ll have more oomph to tackle your goals. Put your head together with a loved one, and you’ll soar!
Your lucky days: June 25, 26, 27
Your lucky numbers: 7, 8, 16
CAPRICORN Dec. 22–Jan. 19
You’ll find you can fit in one-on-one time with someone special on the 25th, It’s sure to bolster your bond. Then, from the 30th on, carve out space in your schedule to take a class and learn something new alongside a friend.
Your lucky days: June 28, 29, 30
Your lucky numbers: 3, 7, 10
Happy Birthday! Year-ahead forecast for those born this week.
Cancer, get ready to shake things up! In early August, a full moon falls in your emotional bonds zone, cranking up drama in your nearest and dearest relationships. It may be time to be more vocal about boundaries and what you need to feel comfortable and secure. Mid-August brings a new moon in your money zone, which presents you with an opportunity to get clear on an income-related aspiration. Gather information now and know that believing in yourself can get you where you want to go. In late August, a full moon in your adventure sector can stoke your appetite to get out of your usual routine. Tuning into your intuition could lead to taking a leap of faith — and, in turn, lay the groundwork for personal growth.
A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.