Mercury Retrograde Post-Shadow Means the Chaos Isn’t Over: What’s in Store for Your Zodiac Sign Until September 11
Even though the messenger planet isn’t officially retrograde, it can help to understand Mercury retrograde post-shadow
If you’ve been celebrating the fact that Mercury is no longer retrograde, you’re far from alone. The three-week slowdown of the messenger planet — the second one of 2024 — was a doozy. Starting off in mutable earth sign Virgo and ending up in fixed fire sign Leo, the August 5-28 retrograde requiring us to go back to the drawing board and learn lessons related to being of service to others, perfectionism, wellness and organization (Virgoan themes) and identity, self-empowerment and confidence (Leo territory). But now that we’ve fully kicked off September and even celebrated a new moon, it’s all systems go, right? Not exactly.
You could still be feeling compelled to deal with issues from the past or as though it’s more challenging than usual to move at the clip you’d ideally like to in matters of communication, transportation and technology. And that’s because it takes a little time for Mercury to slow down before each backspin and time for it to ramp back up afterward. If it feels downright aggravating that the planet of communication is compromised for even more days than you thought, take heart: As an astrologer and the author of Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long, I’m big on sharing how we can take advantage of these periods versus fear them.
Read on for all the details on what the latest Mercury retrograde post-shadow period — which has been effect since planet Mercury went direct on Wednesday, August 28, and will remain so until Wednesday, September 11 — means and how merely knowing about this phenomenon can help you feel more centered.
What is the Mercury retrograde pre-shadow period?
The Mercury retrograde post-shadow occurs after each Mercury retrograde. You likely already know that Mercury retrogrades last about three weeks and occur when the messenger planet appears to move backward from our vantage point on Earth. But after it is retrograde, Mercury needs about two weeks to ramp back up to its typically zippy speed. That’s because when Mercury is direct, it’s the fastest planet in our solar system, speeding around the sun every 88 Earth days.
That said, whenever Mercury’s speedy pace is compromised — even if it’s only slowing down versus moving backward through the constellations — the areas of life that the planet oversees are bound to be affected. So, communication, transportation and technology might still be slightly glitchy. And you’ll also have the chance to debrief reflections and emotions that came up during the Mercury retrograde. You can also ensure old business has been fully tended to and zhuzh any plans you want to put in motion ahead of launch.
Pro-tip: When Mercury is in its post-shadow period, it is best to act as though Mercury is direct. You don’t need to be nearly as cautious as you were during the last three weeks, which means buy those tech items you might’ve held off on acquiring, sign contracts, have tough conversations with loved ones because wires aren’t as likely to be crossed. And simply being aware that you’re in a post- Mercury retrograde shadow period can lower your stress and boost your ability to manage any tech or communication hiccups that arise.
When is the Mercury retrograde post-shadow in August and September?
This summer, Mercury will be in its post-shadow period on Wednesday, August 28 at 5:14 p.m. ET/2:14 p.m. PT at 21°24’ Leo and complete this phase on Wednesday, September 11 at 7:52 p.m. ET/4:52 pm PT at 4°06’ Virgo.
What are the themes of the Mercury retrograde post-shadow in August and September 2024?
With Mercury moving forward and then backward through the later degrees of fixed fire sign Leo and early degrees of mutable water sign Virgo, this Mercury retrograde post-shadow asks you to think back on the retrograde period. consider how the challenges and delays you might’ve faced led to personal growth. You could find you’ve made significant strides, likely in an internal, introspective way, around your sense of self, self-assuredness and ability to speak up for yourself and any desire to get more organized, be useful and care for your mental, physical and emotional well-being.
And if you know what house Mercury was retrograde in for you (something you can deduce by looking at your natal chart and pinpointing where 21 degrees Leo through 4 degrees Virgo falls — or simply reading the Mercury retrograde horoscope for your rising sign/ascendant), you can give yourself credit for related loose ends you’ve tied up in that area of your life.
What the Mercury retrograde pre-shadow means for you, based on your zodiac sign
Here, how the Mercury retrograde post-shadow in Leo and Virgo will affect you, based on your astrological sign. (Be sure to read your rising sign, if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)
The Mercury post-shadow initially takes place in your romance and self-expression zone, so you could be thinking about ways in which you’ve recently learned how to own your voice and bring more playful, spontaneous energy into your day-to-day more effectively. You’ve managed to — or at least been compelled to — take a step back from grueling work to put your heart’s desires first, and this could have proven truly empowering. Once the messenger planet shifts into your wellness sector on September 9, consider how you may have rethought your everyday routine and approach to caring for your health, perhaps as a result of revisiting a mind-body practice you used to love.
Click through for more on Aries.
Mercury will be ramping back up to full speed in your home zone to start, so take stock of ways in which you’ve recently managed to bolster your awareness of — and heal — emotional wounds that may have been standing in the way of growth. You deserve a pat on the back for all your efforts in this area of life. Mercury then occupies your romance and self-expression sector after September 9, which reminds you that you’ve been challenged to go with the flow and embrace a lighter hearted perspective. How has this served you, and how can the lessons you’ve learned make for an even more joyful future?
Click through for more on Taurus.
Mercury’s post-shadow period kicks off in your communication sector, which also happens to be the zone associated with your sign (so its themes are sure to feel quite familiar). In turn, you’ll be meditating on how you managed any of the communication roadblocks and technology or transportation obstacles that came up for you throughout August. Ideally, you’re proud of how you handled any delays or setbacks, but any impatience is also valuable, because it has shown you where you might need to give yourself more grace to rethink your timeline. And when Mercury enters your home zone on September 9, you can consider how revised tactics for managing familial relationships might be breathing new life into your bonds.
Click through for more on Gemini.
After Mercury spent some time moving back through your money zone, you now have a clearer perspective on your financial goals and details related to spending, saving and investing. This is also a sector that involves self-worth, so that’s a theme you’re comfier with reflecting on throughout this post-shadow period, as well. And after September 9, the messenger planet will be in your communication sector, which could inspire you to start talking more about what you’ve envisioned for yourself now and moving forward. This could be a moment in which you’re able to channel retrograde lessons into productive conversations with higher-ups or colleagues.
Click through for more on Cancer.
Mercury’s post-shadow begins in your sign, allowing you to think back on the last three weeks and determine how the retrograde affected your self-image and identity as well as how you’re presenting yourself out in the world. Because this sector of your chart sits opposite your partnership zone, you may also be more aware of dynamics within your one-on-one relationships. And after September 9, post-shadow Mercury in your money zone spurs you to pour more energy into the income-boosting projects that are most fulfilling and perhaps even more lucrative.
Click through for more on Leo.
Your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, will begin its post-shadow in your spirituality sector, turning your focus to your psychological well-being, intuition, dreams and restorative practices. Think about how you’ve managed to prioritize this area of your life and any changes that you’ve implemented as a result of being pulled backward to tend to it. Then, after September 9, post-shadow Mercury will be in your sign, offering you a chance to consider how you’ve been nurturing your self-image and how you can best channel newfound confidence into pursuing your dreams, aspirations and goals.
Click through for more on Virgo.
Mercury’s post-shadow begins in your networking and long-term wishes sector, encouraging you to think about how you’ve been relating to your communities, circles of friends and teams throughout the retrograde. It’s possible that you’ve started to think about moving in a new direction — but building momentum on that goal has been a bit tougher during the retrograde, and now, you can finally move toward a group that has you feeling truly supported. Then, on September 9 on, the messenger planet moves into your spirituality zone, helping you get even more in touch with your inner voice, intuition and dreams.
Click through for more on Libra.
Post-shadow Mercury affects your career zone, which means you’ll be mulling over any lessons, setbacks, challenges or, to be fair, aggravations that might have arisen over the last three weeks. You’ve likely begun to rethink how you want to hit your professional aspirations or reframe how you define success in the short- and long-term. Now, you can begin to implement this new perspective and see how it serves you — perhaps even better than your previous way of thinking. And as Mercury shifts into your networking and groups zone on September 9, you can bring even more mindfulness to collaborative endeavors you’ve committed to.
Click through for more on Scorpio.
Mercury’s post-shadow mainly falls in your adventure sector (the area of your chart associated with your sign, so it’s familiar territory), which offers you another shot at examining any recent restlessness or desire to get out of your comfort zone or adopt new perspectives and philosophies. How have you attended to this need, and what might need to change in your everyday life so you can feel even more fulfilled in this way on a regular basis? After September 9, post-shadow Mercury in your career zone nudges you to think back on how you’ve been fostering relationships with authority figures as well as your own sense of inner authority.
Click here for more on Sagittarius.
Mercury will begin its ramp up to full speed in your intimacy zone, so think about what you’ve discovered in terms of what you need to feel more comfortable within your closest relationships. You could be prepared to set new boundaries or dig in your heels on holding ones you’ve recently implemented — and that’s very likely a sign of growth. This is also the zone of shared finances, so you could be taking stock of any revisions or edits you’ve done in this area of life. After September 9, post-shadow Mercury is in your higher learning zone, so expect to feel even more clear on personal philosophies you’ve been reassessing.
Click through for more on Capricorn.
You’ve been more focused on dynamics within your one-on-one bonds, because Mercury was retrograde in your partnership zone, and now, in its post-shadow there, you can enjoy being even more on the same page with a friend, loved one or colleague. Because you’ve devoted time to fostering even greater mutual understanding, you can be even more successful as a team. And after September 9, post-shadow Mercury in your intimacy zone allows you to even more confidently express deep-seated emotions to your nearest and dearest.
Click through for more on Aquarius.
This Mercury post-shadow mainly lights up your wellness sector, empowering you to move the ball forward on any routine or healthy habit changes that you’ve highlighted as necessary over the retrograde. Even small tweaks can make a significant difference. And because post-shadow Mercury is also moving direct through your partnership zone after September 9, you can capitalize on any edits you’ve made to a goal you share with a significant other, loved one, friend or colleague. An unprecedented approach might feel a bit daunting, but if you’ve done the work and research over the course of the last three weeks, you’re already well on your way.
Click through for more on Pisces.
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