Start Your Day Off Right! These Daily Affirmations Will Put You in a Positive State of Mind
We all occasionally struggle with being positive. Sometimes you have a bad day, wake up feeling crummy, or you’re just generally going through a rough time in life. But when things get hard, positivity can actually be the key to making it through. Laughter, after all, is the best medicine — but how do you laugh when you feel like doing just the opposite?
How to be more positive: gratitude is key!
According to Psychology Today, one of the 6 ways to become more positive is to practice gratitude. “One of the quickest ways to shift your focus away from negativity, judgment, and disappointment is to list the things in your life for which you are grateful,” wrote mental health expert Gregory L. Jantz, PhD. “Be grateful to be gainfully employed, to sleep in a bed each night, for the sun that comes up each morning, for the waiter who greets you with a smile, for the people that love and care for you, and for a body that lets you experience life each day.”
In other words, change your attitude by focusing on all the good you already have in your life. Still having trouble focusing on the good — even when you can recognize it in the moment? Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it. And one way to do that is to use daily affirmations.
Daily positive affirmations can make a huge difference in your life.
Sure, it may feel silly to tell yourself that you’re going to have a good day — but if you tell yourself often enough, you’ll start to convince yourself that you really will have a good day. And once you’ve decided your day is going to be good, well, it comes a lot more easily. Daily affirmations can be just the inspiration to be positive that you need.
Below, we’re sharing some of our favorite positive affirmations. Just take a look through the pics, repeat these easy mantras to yourself, and you’ll be feeling better before you know it!