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Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024 Horoscope: What’s in Store for You From April 1 to 25

Plus, how to make the most of this astrological event. 

After months of hibernation, springtime has a way of motivating us to hit the ground running and strive to build momentum toward our goals. But sometimes, it can be more productive to look backward and tie up loose ends before surging toward the future, and anytime Mercury is retrograde, that’s absolutely the case. And the first full Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024 will take place this spring.

From Monday, April 1 to Thursday, April 25, the planet of communication, transportation and technology will move backward through the cardinal fire sign Aries, which is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, aggression, energy and sex. In turn, we’ll all be nudged to slow down, reflect on the past and tackle old business, especially related to Aries themes like independence, competitiveness and ambition. Here’s what to know to make the most of this three and a half-week astrological event.

What is Mercury retrograde?

Three to four times a year, for about three weeks at a time, Mercury, the planet that rules communication, transportation and technology, moves at a slower pace than usual before appearing to move backward from our vantage point on Earth. And when this happens, all of the areas of life that Mercury oversees tend to get a bit wonkier, delayed and decelerated. Traffic that usually cruises along at a particular time of day is inexplicably heavier, emails get lost in the abyss or you feel like you’re speaking a different language than someone you’re generally quite in sync with.

Moments like these during Mercury retrograde can be irritating, no doubt, but there are bright spots and opportunities built into the transit, as well. Specifically, we’re all encouraged to retrace our footsteps, revise, reimagine and reevaluate. Mercury fuels not only how we express ourselves but how we think, and when it moves backward, it allows us a chance to prioritize inner work and walks down memory lane — both which can ultimately lay the groundwork for more productivity and motivation once Mercury moves ahead.

You’ve likely heard that when Mercury is retrograde, you’d do well to avoid signing contracts, starting new projects, buying electronics and even traveling. This isn’t always possible, of course, so the next best thing to do is to just be extra cautious, double-checking all the details to hopefully preempt any miscommunication, glitches or roadblocks. And yet, that can be particularly challenging to do until Mercury moves forward, so this period is a chance to work on adaptability and tapping into your sense of humor to move through potentially aggravating incidents.

What is Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024?

One of three full Mercury retrogrades in 2024 (the final one of 2023 ended on January 1), this Mercury retrograde occurs in Aries, a dynamic, action-oriented fire sign that would rather do anything than slow down. When Mercury is moving forward in Aries, our communication tends to be more direct, to-the-point, even hurried, impulsive and potentially argumentative. With Mercury moving backward, a desire to move more quickly through key conversations and interactions could be what sets the stage for crossed wires. It’s more likely that important details will be brushed aside for the sake of immediacy, but the lesson here is to tap into Aries’ ambition and adoration of all things new and shiny while adopting a more thoughtful, careful pace.

Associated with the first house of self, Aries is independent, driven, enterprising and tends toward self-focus. So as Mercury moves back through the sign of the Ram, you’ll do well to think about how you already apply this energy to your aspirations — and how you might be able to bring even more fire into your goal-setting and pursuing. You might also be working on how you define winning, how you take action and how you self-motivate.

Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024 occurs during a season of powerful change

If the energy around this Mercury retrograde feels especially intense and emotional, that’s because we’re not only managing the planet of communication moving backward but we’re in the midst of eclipse season. On April 8, the solar eclipse and new moon falls in Aries, fueling a desire to kick off a new chapter, assert ourselves and move confidently into the future. But with Mercury retrograde, the specifics of exactly how you should move the ball forward could be cloudy. Instead of plowing into the unknown, it could be best to lean into self-work, self-reflection and meditative practices (perhaps of the more physical variety, like yoga or running) in order to drum up more clarity. Even with Mercury retrograde, eclipses drive massive change, but it’s possible that at least a tinge of confusion could be coming along for the ride.

Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024 is fuel for reconnecting with loved ones and revisiting past earning opportunities

On April 19, Mercury will pair up with Venus, the planet of relationships, in Aries, which could lead to spontaneous catch-up calls with family members you haven’t talked to in some time or scrolling through old photos and, then, texting a friend you haven’t seen in ages out of the blue. Aries moves swiftly and decisively without any hemming or hawing, so prepare for plenty of impromptu hangouts or FaceTimes with anyone who’s a total blast from the past.

At the same time, Venus is the planet of earning, so when it connects with Mercury retrograde, you could find you’re drawn to a moneymaking opportunity you previously put on the back burner. Or you may be drawn to doing inner work around your values and self-worth and how they’re reflected — or not so much — by your current income-boosting game plan.

Here, how Mercury retrograde in Aries 2024 will affect you based on your sign.

(Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Aries

Mercury retrograde occurs in your sign, nudging you to reflect on how you’ve been showing up in the world — specifically, how you’ve been presenting and pursuing the goals that are closest to your heart. It could be that hitting the gas so hard is actually backfiring in some way, so now’s your chance to reconcile your need for speed and accomplishment with an opportunity for personal growth. Slowing down now could help you make the impression you’re aiming for.

Click through for more on Aries.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024:Taurus

With Mercury retrograde hitting your spirituality sector, you could feel like taking a step back from your usual daily hustle to rest, recharge and pay even closer attention to your dreams and imagination. Though this might feel a bit aimless, it’s actually more productive than you might realize. Tending to your spiritual well-being now can prove truly rejuvenating and lay the groundwork for you to hit the ground running once Mercury moves ahead.

Click through for more on Taurus.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Gemini

Every Mercury retrograde affects you a bit more than others, Gemini, as a result of your sign being ruled by the planet of communication. This time, it’s falling in your networking zone, so you’ll be going back to the drawing board on group projects and reconnecting with friends from the past. You could find that reprioritizing teamwork and rebuilding connections to your community is key to making long-term wishes come true.

Click through for more on Gemini.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Cancer

This Mercury retrograde is happening in your career zone, which means you’ll be doing a lot of self-reflection around your relationships with authority figures and how you’re pursuing recognition. It could be that the strategies you’ve leaned on forever or the goals you’ve held in mind for some time simply aren’t in line with how you now want to make your mark. You could also be polishing up a big picture proposal, pitch or project that will make it possible for you to earn the round of applause you deserve.

Click through for more on Cancer.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Leo

Mercury moves backward through your adventure and higher learning sector, which can be a little challenging in that you’ll be stirred to get out of your comfort zone to pursue eye-opening experiences, and yet, you may feel like it’s particularly tough to take flight. Instead of going after brand new opportunities for exploration, you might do well to brush up on a skill set you previously hit pause on by working alongside a mentor you haven’t connected with in a while. Or revisit a beloved vacation spot you haven’t visited in some time. What’s old can once again be thrilling.

Click through for more on Leo.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Virgo

You feel Mercury retrogrades more acutely than other signs, Virgo, thanks to the planet of communication ruling your sign. With Mercury retrograde falling in your emotional bonds and joint resources zone, you could be reassessing how you and a loved one are pursuing your shared financial goals. It could be time to review your portfolio and change up your investments. You’ll also crave deep, meaningful conversation with loved ones, perhaps revisiting challenging issues from the past. The action-oriented nature of this retrograde can help you zero in on healing solutions.

Click through for more on Virgo.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Libra

Falling in your partnership sector, this Mercury retrograde stirs you to address any past issues that continue to pop up in your one-on-one relationships. If there’s a power dynamic that’s off or reciprocity has been proving to be a problem, you can pinpoint the root cause and face it head-on. You might also be able to dive into research to refresh your approach to an ambitious goal you share with a loved one, friend or business partner.

Click through for more on Libra.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Scorpio

With Mercury retrograde falling in your wellness zone, you have a green light to revisit everyday mind-body practices that might’ve bolstered your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being in the past. Now, you may have a wonderfully renewed perspective on how you can fit these routines into your day-to-day schedule. You can also reassess how you’re managing your to-dos overall and find that streamlining boosts your sense of centeredness and balance.

Click through for more on Scorpio.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Sagittarius

Mercury moves backward through your romance and self-expression zone, which can amplify playfulness and creativity — if you’re willing to let go of a set game plan. Concrete plans and hard and fast rules simply won’t fly right now, as you’re being encouraged to take a spontaneous, lighthearted approach toward expressing yourself and connecting with your nearest and dearest. In other words, tuning into — and following — your heart is a must over the course of this three-and-a-half week period.

Click here for more on Sagittarius.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Capricorn

This Mercury retrograde falls in your home sector, so downtime with loved ones could be a major focus. You can get back into old redecoration or gardening projects that have been on hold or revel in storytelling about family history or cherished memories you share. This zone is also all about your inner life, so you could become especially aware of any difficult emotional wounds that have been holding you back in some way and get the chance to address them once and for all by centering self-work.

Click through for more on Capricorn.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024: Aquarius

With Mercury retrograde activating your communication zone, you’ll likely feel the more traditional glitchiness of Mercury retrograde more than others, because it’s affecting how you connect with friends and co-workers, utilize technology and experience short-distance travel. Mercury moving backward through this sector can feel especially frenetic, so you’ll do best to go with the flow and carve out a bit of solo, self-care time, which will allow you to reset and recenter.

Click through for more on Aquarius.


Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024 :Pisces

This Mercury retrograde falls in your money zone, so it’s the perfect time to reassess how you’re earning, investing and managing your assets. You might also find you can readily research new opportunities (although it’s best to hold off on diving in until after the 25th). This is also the sector of values, so if you’ve been doing a job or taking a financial approach that isn’t quite in line with what’s in your heart, you have a chance to tweak your commitment or perhaps even move in a whole new direction.

Click through for more on Pisces.

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