10 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster
Has your hair stopped growing despite trying all the shampoo’s, vitamins and serums on the market that promise you longer locks? Here’s our alternative hair growth tips to help give you the flowing lengths you dream of.
Hang Upside Down
The inversion method or hanging upside down is meant to increase the blood flow to your head. This causes your hair follicles to reach maximum capacity and stimulate growth.
The method is popular but whether it actually works is debatable. There’s no harm in trying, however. Perhaps the most comfortable way of trying this out is laying down on a bed on your back with your head hanging over the end of the bed for about four minutes at a time each morning. You could use this time to meditate or even to give yourself a scalp massage while you’re at it!
Wear a Shower Cap
This simply involves wrapping your head in saran wrap or wear a shower cap and leave it on as long as possible, preferably overnight. The idea is that the build-up of heat will increase your scalp’s sebum production and encourage hair growth.
Some women also apply a healthy amount of oil to their scalp before doing so, as a form of deep conditioning – so if your hair doesn’t grow at least it’ll be super-soft and shiny. Tip: If you’re not keen on cling film and don’t want to ruin your shower cap you could always wrap your hair in a warm towel.
Drizzle on Some Fish Oil
Full of good fats and omega-3, fish oil is said to fortify your hair and flood your scalp with nutrients. The downside is you’ll be a little smelly and may want to avoid people until you’ve washed it out. Alternatively, you can take fish oil capsules which are a little less smelly and promote nail growth too.
Rub Your Fingernails
Apparently, rubbing your fingernails together for 5-20 minutes a day or even more can encourage hair to grow out of your head faster. There’s no scientific backing for this, but apparently the nerve endings in your nails are connected with your scalp and will cause a tingling sensation when stimulated.
Pour on Some Cayenne Pepper
Mixing this spicy powder into oil and applying it to your scalp is growing in popularity. The tingling or stinging sensation is thought to draw fresh blood to the hair follicles and stimulate a healthy growth rate.
It’s the capsaicin found in the pepper that apparently stimulates hair growth and is also meant to promote thicker hair as well as long locks.
Apply an Egg White Mask
Egg whites are known to help your hair regain its gloss, and by making it stronger, it should grow back faster.
To make your own hair growth egg white hair mask, separate your eggs to leave your egg whites in a bowl. Add two tablespoons of coconut oil to the whites and whisk. Apply all over damp hair and comb through your hair with a wide-toothed comb. Leave for 20 minutes before shampooing your hair with cool water – hot water may cook the egg whites while they’re in your hair!
Drink Lots of Water
Water is great for making you look and feel healthier and it’s always important to stay hydrated to keep you looking and feeling your best on the inside and the outside.
If you’re managing to drink your eight glasses (or two liters) a day then that will help your hair stay stronger which will give it added growing power. Staying hydrated will combat brittle hair, dry scalp, and dandruff as well as itchy skin and scalp!
Avoid Blow-Drying and Straightening
Give your hair a day off when you can and avoid putting your hair through too much heat. Applying heat directly to your hair weakens it – stop and you’ll help it grow stronger. Make sure you use a heat protection spray on your wet hair before blow-drying. Then it’s best to dry 80 percent of your hair by rough drying so your hair isn’t under direct heat. Blow out the rest with a round brush to smooth out.
If you find your hair is on the frizzy side even after blow drying and you need to use straighteners or curlers, try to find heat tools with different heat settings so you can use minimal heat on your hair type.
Swap Cotton Pillowcases for Silk
Ditch your cotton pillowcases and replace them with some luxurious silk ones instead. Cotton causes friction, which weakens the hair and causes it to fall out. Swap to silk and you won’t find stray bits of the hair on your pillow in the morning.
Alternatively, you could use a silk hair wrap – a cap that will protect your locks whatever pillow you’re sleeping on.
Scalp Massage
Treat yourself to a gorgeous scalp massage – you can simply do this yourself when you wash your hair. There are two different ways you can massage your scalp to promote hair growth:
The tapping method – dip your fingertips in some hair tonic or citrus oil and begin to tap gently but relatively fast all over your scalp a few times.
The pulling method – use your fingers to gently pull on small strands of hair. You should feel some tension but not so much that it hurts. Work your way around until all your hairs have been pulled slightly.
This article originally appeared on our sister site, Yours