11 Eerie Mystery Books to Put You in the Halloween Spirit
When Halloween is right around the corner, it’s easy to slip into the spooky spirit and figure out the best mystery novels to pick up. Sure, we could revisit one of those classic mystery novels — rereading pretty much any of Stephen King’s books is good for a thrill — but there’s nothing quite like diving into a new mystery that you haven’t read before and uncovering all of its twists and turns along the way.
So before you start decorating your house for Halloween and breaking out all the creepy arts and crafts, check out one of these spooky-good mystery novels first. You just might run across some classic mystery books you’ve never heard of, a new favorite series from a favorite author, or another story that you simply can’t put down until the very end.
Looking for a murder mystery? Or maybe a paranormal thriller? Or perhaps a tale of suspense and secrets that will have you on the edge of your seat? Authors like James Patterson, Sue Grafton, and Teresa Driscoll have you covered with some of the best books to read for Halloween. And when you’ve been sufficiently spooked out of your mind and find yourself scared to turn off the lights before bed, you can always put all your energy toward DIY Halloween decorations or tasty Halloween treats that will leave your family and friends in awe.
Now, are you ready to sit down next to the cozy fireplace, kick your feet up, and start reading some of the top mystery novels? We know we are! But no matter what novel you pick, we highly recommend that you lock all the doors and windows in your house before you start reading. After all, you wouldn’t want the wind blowing too hard upstairs right as you get to the part where the creeper is walking inside the protagonist’s home, would you? That might just be a little too spooky — even for us.
Scroll below to find the best Halloween books, and then click on the link below your favorite one to purchase it.