Homeless Man Abandons His Usual Spot on the Street, Leaves the BEST Sign Explaining Why
If you’ve ever kindly given money to a panhandler on the street, part of you may have wondered about that person’s fate and if he or she would eventually be able to improve his or her life.
Well, on one corner, passersby got their answer… in the most incredible way.
It seems a homeless person who had been begging for spare change along this street corner was able to land a job and (we hope) start fresh on a journey to turn his life around. Not only did he want to thank the members of the community who had supported him while he was down and out, he also wanted to share his good news. And so, he did the coolest thing:
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In case you can’t see it clearly, this is a sign he left on the corner where he used to hang out, and it reads: “Thank you to all who have help me. I now have a job come Monday. Thanks for believing.“
Clearly, this person is grateful for his circumstances and excited about the future. His simple, heartfelt message warmed our hearts for sure, and we sure hope he (whoever he may be) enjoys much success on his new path.
via Imgur.com