If You’re Happy With Your Small Circle of Friends, It Reveals THIS About Your Intelligence
If you enjoy counting your few good friends on one hand, you’re also more likely to be a smart person.
A new study has found that for intelligent people, a few close friends–plus plenty of solo time–leads to greater happiness and personal satisfaction than lots of socializing with big groups. The more frequently smart people socialized with groups of friends, the less satisfied they were with life.
The findings come from two psychologists who challenge the modern view that more social contact always leads to a happier life.
Here’s the reason. The researchers, Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University, reported that since our ancestors lived in groups of 150 people, they relied on social relationships to overcome hunting challenges and to share childrearing duties. And since we’re no longer living in the same circumstances as our ancestors–thanks in part to the wonders of technological advancement–the more intelligent people among us simply have less trouble adapting to our new reality, and therefore rely less on those social networks.
So, next time you find yourself turning down a party invitation in favor of a night at home in your PJs, or maybe a long phone chat with a friend, don’t feel bad; it may simply mean you’re a lot stronger–and smarter–than you knew.
via Dailymail.co.uk
PLUS: Here are photos from the reunion of everyone’s favorite circle of Friends!