Know Someone Serving Our Country? These 4 Ways to Support Military Overseas Can Boost Morale
Being away from loved ones is no easy feat and these simple acts can go a long way
While we’re endlessly thankful to the men and women who serve our country and always work hard to keep us safe, it can be difficult to show that gratitude — especially to those fighting abroad. However, there are several ways to support the military overseas, and you can help right from your hometown. Want to lend a helping hand or demonstrate your appreciation? Keep reading to learn how you can support the troops.
Ways to support military overseas: Say thank you
The easiest thing you can do to support military service members overseas is to say thank you. Many civilians don’t understand what active duty is like, and acknowledging that service can go a long way.
Thanking members of the military for their service or appreciating the sacrifices soldiers make to keep us safe goes a long way. It can also be helpful to recognize what their loved ones go through while they’re fighting abroad.
Saying this in person the next time you see someone actively serving can make a difference when they are deployed overseas.
Ways to support military overseas: Send letters and care packages
With no shortage of organizations and support services (Friends of the Troops, Adopt a Platoon and United Service Organization (USO) to name a few) to bolster troops, sending letters and care packages has never been easier.
You can adopt or get matched with a soldier and send them personalized items they’ve been missing from home, send general care packages to many soldiers, purchase supplies off Amazon wish lists or donate to a care package.
Packages at any time of year can provide a mood boost, and you can also send extra items for holidays, such as candy for Halloween or special treats for Christmas.
Writing letters is also helpful as those positive words can help soldiers keep going during their challenging times. Small acts of kindness and acknowledgment are key for soldiers overseas.
Ways to support military overseas: Help military families’ loved ones
Deployment is tough for those serving overseas, their families and loved ones. Aside from missing their partner or family member, they’re also left with all the household responsibilities and caring for the children (if they have kids).
Helping military spouses and families is a support resource that cannot be overstated. Reach out to a military spouse or someone whose family member is deployed and offer to come help with chores, cook a meal, babysit or occupy the kids for a little bit and offer to pick up groceries if you can.
These small acts can go a long way and can ease the burden of solo parents or loved ones.
Ways to support military overseas: Volunteer locally
There are many ways you can volunteer to help the United States troops. If you’re unable to send a care package on your own, you can volunteer to help send them out instead. has four different areas where you can volunteer: clinical programming, outreach events, signature events and community engagement. You can do as much or as little as you’d like but all four programs are helpful to those fighting.
Also, the USO has volunteer opportunities that help you see the impact of your support on the military community firsthand. Many USO locations need volunteers who can facilitate programs and events that will support the military. Sometimes the work can be difficult, but it’s important to connect with families and others to make sure those serving get the resources they need.