12 Things You’ve Always Wondered About Your Dog
We love our dogs, but sometimes they’re just plain weird. Like when they follow us into the bathroom or whine for seemingly no reason. Why do they do these things? It turns out dogs aren’t as mysterious as we think they are, and there are simple explanations for their odd behaviors.
Once you get really good at recognizing certain cues and body language, you’ll be an expert at deciphering what it is your dog is trying to tell you. Then, you won’t be confused the next time you catch your pup doing something strange, like curling up into a teeny-tiny ball even though you paid a lot of money for an extra large dog bed.
Caring for a dog is like raising a child. It’s hard to not want to cuddle them 24/7 when they’re first born. But then they learn how to walk and talk, and you realize they’re wonderful and complex creatures with their own way of doing things. Of course, figuring out their thoughts and emotions is a lot harder, especially when the only words they know are gibberish. Lucky for you, we’ve put together this handy guide of all the things you’ve ever wondered about your dog with a handy explanation. (We can’t help with your baby, though, sorry!)
Keep scrolling to learn more about your dog’s quirks.