Why Does My Cat Keep Drinking Out of the Faucet?
If “Why does my cat drink from the faucet?” is a thought you have multiple times a day, you’re not alone. There’s actually a very interesting answer to this question, as it turns out. And if you’re really bothered by this bad habit, there’s a simple way to get your kitty to stop.
Cats are descended from animals that survived in harsh, outdoor conditions. As a result, they don’t need a lot of water to survive. (Perhaps you’ve noticed your dog getting a drink immediately after eating, while your cat rarely heads to the water bowl.) In fact, wild cats get most of their water from the prey they kill.
But your cats aren’t wild, so they still need water. Unfortunately, cats find it difficult to see still water. They may also feel vulnerable to attack if they sit in one spot to take a drink, especially if the water bowl is in a corner with only one escape route. (Of course, we wouldn’t dare disturb our fur babies while they drink, lest we end up with a solid whack.)
Another reason for your cat’s avoidance of the water bowl is his or her instincts. A wild cat would tend to avoid still water because it could be contaminated, according to Deborah Greco, DVM.
Cats prefer running water not only because it’s potentially safer, but also because it’s easier to hear. This could explain why cats come running when they hear the faucet start; the drip, drip, drip alerts them to a clean water source.
We recommend buying a cat water fountain ($29.99, Amazon) to keep your feline hydrated if he or she is constantly drinking out of the faucet. It’s weird to think of cats as liking water, especially because so many of them absolutely loathe bathtime — but some kitties actually like playing in it.
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