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The Best Jobs for Women Over 50 + How to Find the Right One for You

8 ways to make money doing what you love

The best jobs for women over 50 depend on your particular skills, experience and interests. At this stage in your life, you want your work to be interesting and fulfilling while meeting your financial needs. Whether you’re changing careers or looking for retirement jobs after being a stay-at-home mom, you’re probably wondering, what type of jobs do women 50 and over go into for a new career? The simple answer is, the sky’s the limit! Whatever your skills, experience and interests are, there’s a great job out there for you.

And remember, you’re not alone. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 40 percent of people in their 50s and older are actively looking for work.

And for all things work-from-home, click here and here!

1. Best jobs for women over 50 with no degree

best jobs for women over 50 are teaching, like this women is doing.

No college degree? No problem, says Lisa L. Marsh, who was a correctional worker for 27 years before retiring and becoming CEO of her own gluten-free food company, MsPsGFree.Inc. Jobs for women over 50 with no college degree are out there; you just have to reframe your thinking and look at what you can offer, rather than what you think you can’t. “If you are a woman over 50 who has experienced all the bumps and bruises of getting to this age group, you don’t need a degree to either begin a business of your own doing what you love, or working with a friend who has begun a business,” says Marsh.

And try not to focus on finding jobs for women over 50 with no skills. “I have yet to meet a female over 50 with no skills — everyone knows how to do something,” she says. “We are mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, siblings, etc. There is someone out there looking for what you have to offer. In building my business, the best advice, help and collaboration comes from women like me who have matured and understand what it means to commit to something and see it through.”

Kathy Kristof, editor of and CBS MoneyWatch columnist, agrees that everyone has skills. “Anyone who has managed to help a fourth-grader with their homework, while making dinner and agreeing to help organize the school fundraiser, has developed a boat-load of skills ranging from culinary to organization to tutoring (not to mention soft-skills like negotiation and patience),” she says. Even if you only have the skills developed as a stay-at-home parent, there are still a wide range of job opportunities out there. “You could launch and manage your own daycare center with the help of a site like Wonderschool,” suggests Kristof.

It worked for me! “I make up to $75k a year teaching arts & crafts!”

Lynn Toomey does a best jobs for women over 50 teaching kids then and nown

Once Lynn Toomey, age 58, realized she could earn money with her mobile art classes, she started raking in the cash!

“Art has been a passion of mine, so when the company I was working for closed, I decided to open an art studio. Running a retail storefront turned out to be a seven-day-a-week obligation, so I sold the studio and started Let’s Gogh Art, a mobile studio where we bring the art to you. The overhead was significantly less, which allowed me higher profitability, plus it gave me better flexibility to be with my daughters and I was able to offer more people my unique curriculum,” explains Toomey.

“I did a lot of research, wrote a business plan and launched the website. I contacted libraries, local recreational centers and schools, partnered with venues that hosted corporate events and took ad space in a local parenting magazine.

“I provide art-based classes, events and activities to schools, daycare centers, community groups, companies and more! We teach a variety of classes, including painting, fabric art and tie-dye, and offer badge workshops for Girl Scouts. We offer story art classes at libraries, where we read a story and have the kids make a related art project. I also offer licenses for people who want to run their own Let’s Gogh Art business.

“To market the business, I use email marketing, blogging and Facebook, but a lot of business is through word-of-mouth referrals. I love what I do because I get to expose people to visual art, help them cultivate their creativity and make them smile! I make up to $75,000 a year — money that pays for my children’s college education.”

2. Freelance jobs for women over 50

With that positive attitude in place, go ahead and aim high. If you want to return to a career after a long break raising your kids, you might be worried about the gap in your résumé. Lauren McAdams, career adviser and hiring manager at Resume Companion, recommends choosing the “combination format” for your résumé. “This format draws the recruiter’s attention away from your work history by propelling your professional profile and skills to the top of your résumé, before your work experience. It’s an effective way to re-contextualize your career without appearing deceptive,” she says.

Freelance work also has the potential to pay very well, if you’re willing to put in the hours. Depending on your skills and interests, this could be driving kids to school and soccer practice through sites like HopSkipDrive and RideZum; working from home as a virtual assistant; signing up to be a mock juror, giving lawyers a read on how a reasonable person might react to their case at trial; becoming a chef at private dinner parties; tutoring kids in the subjects you learned to help your own children; or teaching English to non-native speakers. These are all great jobs for seniors, and if you have the time, you could combine more than one of them to secure a very healthy pay packet.

It worked for me! “ I make $3,000 a month as a virtual assistant!”

Brenda Spandrio does a best jobs for women over 50 virtual assistant

When Brenda Spandrio, age 62, learned she could get paid to keep people organized — without leaving her house — she started raking in the cash! Here’s how:

“Years ago, as a young mom facing divorce, I was in search of a way to earn money and take care of my kids. Through various jobs, I had overcome my tendency toward clutter and disorganization, so I began conducting decluttering workshops in my community. People began hiring me to help organize their homes and offices as a result. Eventually, my business ( evolved into focusing on clients that needed behind-the-scenes support – the perfect way for me to keep them organized while being home for my family,” she explains.

“As a virtual assistant, my tasks range from proofreading documents and writing and posting blog articles to organizing emails and scheduling medical appointments. One of my tasks today? Confirming honeymoon reservations! I work around 30 hours per week (about six billable hours per day) and make over $3,000 a month with the flexibility to go out to lunch with my husband a couple of times a week. And when we travel, I can take my work with me, so I can continue to earn while I’m away.”

“My steady income and flexible schedule also allow me to help pay the bills with enough extra to pursue hobbies like quilting. I was even able to treat myself to a new sewing cabinet and cutting table. With my office and quilting studio in the same room, I have the best of both worlds at my fingertips.”

It worked for me! “I make $200 a week driving kids to after-school activities”

Bernadine Lim does a best jobs for women over 50 job driving people

“I work full-time in business development, but with three kids (ages 12, 17 and 18) in private school who also have extracurricular activities, I was looking for a way to make extra money,” says Bernadine Lim, age 53.

“When I learned about Kango, an app that provides car service for kids and teens, it seemed like a good way to make money. Getting started was easy. After I applied, they conducted a background check, DMV record check, in-person interview and fingerprinting. They also did a full inspection of my car to make sure it was safe and in perfect working order.”

“The process is pretty simple: When I’m ready to work, I open the app and see what rides are available and what is required of me. For example, some parents request that I get out of the car and walk their child to soccer practice.”

“Each ride is between 20 and 30 minutes and pays $20. I work 8 to 10 hours a week and with tips, I make about $1,000 a month.”

“Since Kango carries commercial insurance policies and auto liability insurance, I always feel protected. And while some parents will text me to make sure I’ve arrived to pick up their children, they never have to worry about their children’s safety. Not only do I love to work in my own community, making money on my own time, but I enjoy talking to the kids. And since I’ve built a rapport with the parents, most are repeat clients.”

“With the money I earn from Kango, I buy uniforms and equipment for my kids and pay their fees for competitions. I also used it to take our family on a road trip last summer!”

3. Part-time jobs for women over 50

best jobs for women over 50 are writing like this older women is doing

Most jobs for older people can be done on a part-time basis, and if you go down the freelance route, you have the huge perk of choosing your own working hours. Even if you want a full-time role, don’t be afraid to take on part-time or temporary work in the first instance, says McAdams. “Think of taking part-time or temporary work as getting your foot in the door,” she advises. “Similar to how internships serve as probation for companies to test recent grads, this short-term work could be your ticket to working at the company for full-time, especially if a position opens up. Since the company has already trained you and you’re familiar with the company culture, you’re a significant investment that few companies would turn down.”

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), a part-time employment program for low-income persons age 55 or over, provides part-time employment opportunities at community and government agencies and pays the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher. Participants may also receive training, which they can use to find other job roles.

4. Creative jobs for women over 50

Popular jobs for women over 50 who have decades of work experience include freelance writing, which can often be done remotely and is perfect for seniors with limited mobility. “Not only will you have a flexible schedule, but you can use the knowledge and expertise you’ve picked up over the course of a long career to your advantage by writing in a particular niche,” says McAdams. To get started, check out online writing job boards to look for opportunities.

If you’re a creative person, follow your passions — even if you’ve never made money from them. “Work involves too many hours in the day to do something you hate, and there are opportunities in virtually every category, so look at your hobbies and passions and figure out how to get somebody to pay you to do the things you’d want to do anyway,” says Kristof.

It worked for me! “I make $500 a month helping others tell their life story!

Connie Inukai does a best jobs for women over 50 making books

For Connie Inukai, age 75, staying home has been an exciting — and lucrative — opportunity to flex her storytelling skills! Here’s how she cashed in:

“As someone in the high-risk category for COVID-19, during the pandemic I spent my time at home, and I decided to use the unusual circumstances as a chance to do something creative,” says Inukai.

“Since I believe that we live as long as we’re remembered, I wrote down my life story to pass on to my kids, grandkids and future generations. Going through photo albums, I collected memories that I wanted my family to hear…like how my mother’s parents missed their voyage on the Titanic due to a fluke! I had so much fun that I felt inspired to help fellow Baby Boomers write their life story as well. And that’s how my business, Write Your Selfie was born.”

“To find clients, I use Facebook ads and word-of-mouth referrals. With each new client, I start with an initial phone call to learn about their life and how we can record their story in a way that’s meaningful to them. I have six primary steps to walk them through the process and make it feel easy and fun, and hold weekly Zoom calls where they share their stories. In the end, each client receives a beautiful hardcover book that I produce using Shutterfly.”

“I earn around $500 a month with this side hustle. I have five grandkids, and two live with me, so I have fun spoiling them with the extra money. I even just trademarked the name ‘Grandmapreneur’!”

5. Fun jobs for women over 50

Before you search for fun jobs for retirees, think about your definition of fun. It’s not the same for everyone! If you love kids, a fun job might be driving a school bus. If you thrive on being fit and active, consider becoming a personal trainer. If you get a kick out of meeting new people, think about a passive side hustle such as renting out a room in your house or turning your home into a “location” for special events or movies. If you’re passionate about your home city, you could design city tours, picking up travelers in your minivan or SUV.

It worked for me! “I earn $1,200 a month taking other people fishing!”

Delana ‘Dee’ Oaks does a best jobs for women over 50 teaching people how to fish

Once Delana ‘Dee’ Oaks, age 53, realized she could make money from her love of fishing, she started reeling in the cash! Here’s how:

“My most cherished girlhood memories are long, leisurely days cane pole fishing local farm ponds with my grandparents. I loved to fish,” says Oaks.

“When I grew up and found a job as an aerospace parts inspector, one of my first major purchases was a 21-foot fishing boat. I took friends and co-workers out on local lakes and rivers as often as possible. But it wasn’t enough. So I thought, maybe people would pay me to take them fishing. And that’s how Fish Elevated was born.”

“My first customers were recommendations from friends. But it wasn’t long before word spread: ‘Go fishing with Dee, and you’re going to catch fish!’ The trickle of reservations turned into a torrent of repeat customers.”

“I began booking four or five trips a week at $250 for a half-day and $350 for a full-day fishing adventure. The extra cash is great. I get to splurge on even more tackle and other equipment to feed my fishing fantasies.”

“Last year, after five years as a guide, I accepted a new job and moved myself and Fish Elevated to Indiana. I scoped out the local fishing hole, Brookville Lake, baited my lines and hooked a whole new set of regulars.”

“Fishing has been a lifelong passion, and it still amazes me that I get paid to share the fun with others.”

6. Least Stressful Jobs for Women Over 50

best jobs for women over 50 are selling tupperwear like this women is doing

If you’re interested in less labor-intensive jobs for women over 50, consider house-sitting or pet-sitting, where you water plants, take in the mail or feed and walk the pets for people on vacation or away on business. If you have limited mobility, selling products from home may be a good option. Direct sales companies such as Mary Kay, The Pampered Chef, and Avon are always looking for passionate salespeople, and age is no barrier. You can sell products online from your home (all you need is a computer or smartphone and Internet access) or through home or office parties, earning a commission on all sales.

Visit the Direct Selling Association to check out any company you’re considering working for, and make sure you’re aware of any upfront costs that may be required. Some companies require you to purchase some products to sell at the outset, which is generally not expensive, and legitimate companies let you “sell back” unsold products if you decide this type of work isn’t for you.

Ultimately, if you have confidence in your abilities, any type of job can be low-stress, even leadership positions. “There is a collective loudspeaker in the workforce today that conditions women to think that they can’t move forward or lead,” says Autumn Manning, co-founder and CEO of YouEarnedIt, a human capital management company dedicated to building high-performance cultures and engaged workforces. “This is untrue and counter-productive. I advise women who aspire to leadership positions to stop playing the tapes that say you aren’t good enough, or that you don’t have what it takes. Whatever the contents of your own negative soundtrack, it’s time to press ‘stop’!”

Manning recommends finding a mentor (this could be a friend, relative or local businessperson) to help you navigate the over-50s job world. In fact, she suggests more than one mentor. “Getting advice from a variety of advisors will give you the benefit of different perspectives and more people to offer help when you need it,” she says.

It worked for me! “I make 6 figures selling cookware!”

Stacy Itzel does a best jobs for women over 50 selling Pampered Chef
Adam J. Itzel

When Stacy Itzel, age 50, started out as a consultant for Pampered Chef in 2005, she never dreamed she’d end up making so much money! Here’s how she did it

“When I was a child, my parents struggled financially, but mealtimes were always a sacred time for our family. College wasn’t an option for me, and I got married and had children at a young age. It was important for me to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool my kids, but in 2005 my husband and I were struggling on one income and had nearly $5,000 worth of credit card debt. When I thought about ways I could bring in money, Pampered Chef came to mind. I had hosted and attended several parties, and becoming a consultant seemed like a flexible and fun way to supplement our income,” explains Itzel.

“A friend who was a consultant helped me get started. At that time, I paid $90 for the initial start-up kit. Today there are three options, from $109 to $249. I hosted a launch party and invited my family so I could practice selling stoneware, pots and pans, cutting boards and knives and other tools.”

“At the parties, we make a dish, have a drink and shop. I also run online parties where we play games and I share recipes and videos of product demonstrations. Eventually, I started helping other people bring on more consultants and build teams. It took me 12 years, but I now have 1,000 people on my team. Today I host six to eight in-person­ parties a month and a few online parties a week.”

“I love making cooking and entertaining easier for people and helping other consultants grow. I make a six-figure income, which has allowed me to take family vacations, pay for college and even adopt another child!”

7. Office jobs for women over 50

Whether you have management experience or are an organized person with great communication skills, office jobs can be the perfect opportunity for seniors, encompassing anything from administrative services managers to general office clerks.

Other administrative-type jobs for women over 50 include administrative assistant, compensations and benefits manager, general office clerk, human resources manager, paralegal or travel agent. Data entry jobs for women over 50 are also widely available and often possible to do from home — another great option if you have limited mobility.

8. Volunteer jobs for women over 50

best jobs for women over 50 are volunteering, like this group is doing in a garden

If you don’t need to work for money, jobs where women over 50 thrive are volunteer positions. As well as giving you the chance to work on a project that’s close to your heart, volunteering offers many mental and physical health benefits, promotes positive social and family relationships, and helps to portray seniors as a healthy, crucial part of society.

Check out for public service volunteer work, such as working in national parks or assisting election officials in your state. To find volunteer work in your local area, check out websites like and, or contact your favorite charity or non-profit directly to find out how you can help.

When you find a job you are interested in, don’t be afraid to go for it — even if you have been a stay-at-home mom and don’t have a lot of previous experience in the traditional workforce. “Be proud of what you have accomplished, and don’t be shy about tooting your own horn,” says Kristof. “When you make up a résumé, detail what you’ve done and don’t be concerned that it wasn’t accomplished in the traditional workforce. If you must, make up a name for your ‘company’ and list your title (CEO) and responsibilities, such as managing a tight budget, negotiating labor agreements, handling all logistics for a staff of four.”

Before you dive into a new career at 50, be on the lookout for retirement benefits when scoping out new jobs. “Some companies will have great benefits and packages for the express purpose of attracting older job-seekers,” says McAdams. Her top tip? Check out the AARP’s Employer Pledge Program, which is a list of employers that value older workers and the unique perspective they can bring to the workplace.

For more work from home ideas, click through the links below!

Earn Money Working From Home in Human Resources: No Degree Required

How to Make Money Selling Your Stuff Online: Expert Tricks Get You Top Dollar

How to Make Money Working From Home for the Government — 5 Great Options

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