This “UnDiet” Weight Loss Supplement Has Slimming Superpowers
This article is sponsored by Dirobi.
Gaining weight seems like the middle-aged woman’s lament. Honestly, I can’t think of a recent conversation with my girlfriends where frustrations about weight and diet didn’t come up. Losing weight — even maintaining weight — seems to be getting harder and harder as I age, and not all weight loss supplements are worth it. There’s so much “don’t eat this” and “eat more of that.” It’s enough to trip up even the most disciplined dieter (which I am).
I found something recently, though, that actually works. A friend in my book club uses it and swears by it. It’s a weight loss supplement called Pounds and Inches Drops. I’ve tried every diet app, custom food program, and workout regimen known to man, so when my friend recommended it, I figured it couldn’t hurt to give it a try.
I’ve been taking it every day for about six weeks, and I’m already seeing results, which is pretty surprising since I haven’t changed my diet at all. It’s also affordable, which is even more surprising. In my experience, weight loss supplements cost a lot. But taking Pounds and Inches Drops has been a totally different experience than I’ve had in the past.
This weight loss supplement is different.
Pounds and Inches Drops are unique in a lot of ways. Personally speaking, my lifelong weight fluctuations have felt like a roller coaster. First, I stop eating the foods that whatever diet I’m on says not to eat. Then I lose weight. Then I have a piece of cake, and BAM! I’m putting the pounds back on. Sometimes, I gain weight that I didn’t have before.
Over the years, this has led me to weigh more than I did when I started watching my weight in my twenties. It’s been especially difficult since menopause, when my metabolism seemed to slow way down.
The Pounds and Inches Drops don’t do that because they don’t restrict your diet, and you don’t have to count calories or drink five shakes a day. (I know. I couldn’t believe it either!) I think that’s why they call it the “UnDiet” — because it helps you lose weight without depriving you of every food worth enjoying.
There are benefits beyond weight loss.
If you’re on Facebook, you probably see a bunch of ads for products that look like fakes. I know I do. I’m never sure if the ones for weight loss are safe or really work. I didn’t worry about this with Dirobi (the company that makes the supplement) because I did a lot of research before buying it.
I found out that they’ve been around since 2009, and they have a certified nutritionist on board that does free consultations if you need them. Also, five different clinical studies on Chromium GTF, the main ingredient in the drops, showed that participants lost weight, had lowered cholesterol, and had better blood sugar management after using it. It’s important to note that the Chromium GTF clinical study was conducted with the exact amount of Chromium GTF used in the drops.
So what is Chromium GTF? It’s a mineral compound made up of Chromium and Niacin. Chromium is a chemical element that, according to the National Institute of Health, can significantly decrease cholesterol and LDL levels. Preclinical research indicated that when combined with Niacin, a B Vitamin that turns food into energy, the resulting Chromium GTF compound had a better absorption rate than Chromium alone. Translation: The star ingredient in the Pounds and Inches Drops has been tested for its health benefits and weight loss efficacy – and it worked.
Pounds and Inches Drops
- Description
- Pros
- Affordable
- Backed by science
- Doesn't restrict your diet
- Easy to use
The 7 daily habits of the “UnDiet” are easy and effective.
Basically, it all comes down to ‘Does it work?’ The answer is “yes.” All you do is follow the “UnDiet” 7 Daily Habits, which are very simple.
- Don’t drink your calories. (In short, skip caloric fluids and drink water instead. After losing weight, you can experiment with drinking calories cautiously, but it’s discouraged.)
- Eat slowly.
- Eat within a 12 hour window.
- Use “the hand rule.” (Protein the size of your palm, carbs the size of your fist, fat the size of your thumb, and an open handful of veggies.)
- Take the drops before your first meal, and just AFTER your last meal of the day before you start the fasting window.
- Move your body every day.
- Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.
I didn’t have any trouble with them because I was already doing most of them, and the weight has been melting off. I’m feeling confident that I’ll reach my goal weight by summer vacation, and I’m even more excited that I’ll finally keep the weight off. My friend from book club has!
I finally stopped running (and failing) the diet obstacle course.
I’m glad my friend told me about this product because the diet obstacle course was really getting to me, and I’d pretty much given up. Now I just take my two servings a day — no more hurdles — and watch the weight come off. And I can’t wait to wear the swimsuit I haven’t worn since 1989. (Just kidding. But it has been a while.) I hope it works for you, too!
This article is sponsored by Dirobi.