Tundrex: The Probiotic Supplement That Works
Article written in partnership with Ascend Agency: http://ascendagency.com
The next time you take a stroll on solid ground—not a sidewalk, not a driveway, not a road, but solid ground—please take a minute to think about the earth we trod on and how the soil beneath our feet sustains so much.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Soil is not an inert growing medium—it is a living and life-giving natural resource. It is teeming with billions of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that are the foundation of an elegant symbiotic ecosystem.”
Healthy soil, according to the USDA, “gives us clean air and water, bountiful crops and forests, productive grazing lands, diverse wildlife, and beautiful landscapes.”
And soil lies at the heart of the wellness success achieved by the probiotic supplement Tundrex—which derives its strength from soil. A food supplement and not a medication, Tundrex has been proven to maintain healthy digestion, support immune functions and strengthen the body’s microbiome.
And while the Tundrex protocol can last months depending on your wellness needs, there is no subscription to paint you into a corner. Tundrex is confident that its probiotic will speak for itself, and retain you as a customer through the integrity of its supplement.
Now, let’s get back to the soil, the cog in the Tundrex wheel, which according to the USDA, is so critical to our lives because of its role in:
- Regulating water. Soil helps to control where rain, snowmelt, and irrigation water end up. Water flows over the land or into and through the soil.
- Sustaining plant and animal life. The diversity and productivity of living things depend on soil.
- Filtering and buffering potential pollutants. The minerals and microbes in soil are responsible for filtering, buffering, degrading, immobilizing, and detoxifying organic and inorganic materials.
- Cycling nutrients. Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other nutrients are stored, transformed, and cycled in the soil.
An article in the Washington Post details how “emerging research suggests that the soil microbiome might have” a “direct effect on our health by communicating directly with our own cells and by boosting the nutrient content of our food.”
The article also explained that, “Soil microbes help regulate our emotions and immune response. And they also play a key role in determining the nutrient content of our food.”
As for Tundrex, this probiotic supplement contains the soil-derived Bacillus subtilis, an endosporal bacteria that plays a pivotal role in maintaining and nurturing the health of the human body’s digestive tract. Bacillus subtilis has been prescribed by medical experts for more than a century. And it powers Tundrex—a probiotic supplement, not a treatment—recommended for:
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Gastrointestinal problems.
- Post-chemotherapy recovery.
- Post-antibiotic therapy microbiome restoration.
- Those who travel frequently, particularly on business flights and daily commutes by public transportation.
- Large families with kids, as children are frequent carriers of infection.
Please visit tundrex.co to learn more.