Dr. Gundry’s Age-Reversing Diet Can Help You Reverse Rusting Cells So You Lose Weight & Feel Great
Think weight gain, brain fog, and a laundry list of health problems are inevitable as we get older? Yale-trained diet guru Steven Gundry, MD, has amazing news: “Science has recently shown us ways to stop the real culprits behind these issues,” he says. “With minimal effort, we can halt ‘aging’ and reverse damage that’s already been done. It’s possible to look and feel better than we did 10, 20, even 30 years ago!” It’s a process that he refers to as reversing rusting cells — and it can make all the difference to how you feel as you get older.
As far as Dr. Gundry’s age-reversing diet goes, simple dietary strategies are all it takes to quickly rejuvenate skin, joints, metabolism, memory, immunity, every gland, every organ. “The results are stunning,” insists the mega-selling author of The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain ($12.99, Amazon) and The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age ($18.95, Amazon). His devotees even report losing up to 20 pounds and reversing sings of age by 10 years in just two weeks!
Dr. Gundry is famous for introducing the world to lectin-free eating, a strategy he says benefits us all. “Lectins are natural toxins in plants that help protect them from insects. They don’t cause immediate problems when humans eat them, but ‘lectin bombs’ like wheat, corn, and soy have devastating consequences for the trillions of beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract,” he says. “This factor alone accelerates aging dramatically.”
Why? A large study in Israel recently confirmed that gut bacteria play a far bigger role in how well we age than our own genes. “Gut bacteria directly influence every part of the body, from skin and metabolism to brain and heart health,” Gundry adds. It’s why his new plan helps you avoid lectins and load up on plant foods proven to boost beneficial bacteria (like sweet potatoes, walnuts, and greens). In as little as three days, per Harvard research, a growing army of good bacteria will begin to exert their anti-aging impact!
Keep reading for more of Dr. Gundry’s tips and recipes for a lectin-free diet.