Dad Sees Secret Note in His 8-Year-Old Daughter’s Backpack, and He’s Shocked When He Heard Where It Came From
One dad was very confused when his wife showed him a note from their 8-year-old daughter’s backpack. But after giving it a quick glance over, he immediately knew what it was.
And he couldn’t stop smiling because of it.
The note read, “Work hard. Be nice. Smile. Be weird. Don’t forget you’re awesome. Have a great day!”
That’s the same exact advice that the dad, Imgur user IoanaHall, gives to his little girl every day before he drops her off at school. Apparently, she had taken his words to heart and written them down as a reminder for herself.
The user wrote, “It’s great to see some of these lessons sinking in. If she can absorb even a few of these then she’ll be heading in the right direction. And that makes me smile. Big.”
We couldn’t agree more!
A father’s words to his daughter
via LiftBump