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Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

Virgo likes to make future plans, while Aquarius is all about the here and now.

When you’re searching for answers about life or love, there’s no better place to turn than the stars. Your daily horoscope can be a method for understanding your goals, motivations, and the way you’re inclined to walk through the world or respond to new trends. Astrology can even help people find friends, partners, and develop meaningful relationships rich with support and communication. Today, we’re delving deep into the pairing between an earthy Maiden and airy Water Bearer. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Virgo and Aquarius compatibility below. 

The Signs at a Glance

Before using your zodiac sign to find love and friendship, it’s useful to understand what each sign represents individually, including how they communicate and what keeps them motivated and excited. Here’s a closer look at the Virgo and Aquarius sun signs. 

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

If you need a job done right, give it to a Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign, which means those born under this sign have both feet planted firmly on the ground. They are stable, dependable, and have a good sense of reality and their own capabilities. Virgo is a mutable sign tied deeply to the world around them; that’s why they’re represented by the symbol of Maiden carrying wheat and associated with agriculture. They’re additionally the sign that rules over the digestive system, meaning that Virgos are particularly tuned into the foods they put in their bodies and the intersection between themselves and the natural world.

Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury. This planet also rules the zodiac sign of Gemini, and is associated with communication. However, while Geminis are known for being outgoing and using that communication in friendships and social situations, Virgos embrace Mercury inward, instead using it to process and understand. Virgos are known for their detail-oriented approach to work and life, sometimes to the point of obsession. It’s important for Virgo men and women to find balance when it comes to their perfectionist tendencies and capacity for overthinking. Still, when they have it in check, they’re epically capable, reliable, and attentive. This sign also makes for a great friend, especially in moments of need. They’re skilled problem-solvers, and they’re all about action and being innately kind. This is the sign to call if you’re ever in a pinch.   

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

While Virgo may have both feet firmly in the earth, Aquarius happily floats through the clouds. This air sign (yeah, the ‘aqua’ messes us up too, but those who fall under this sign are all about the air qualities) is actually the last air sign in the zodiac. It’s a fixed sign that follows Gemini and Libra on the chart. Like the others, Aquarius are deeply curious, and aren’t afraid to follow the next adventure or stroke of creative inspiration. One of the ways in which Aquarius signs manifest all that creativity and curiosity is in rebellion. This sign is known for going against the status quo and embracing the humanitarianism often associated with air signs. They tend to be progressive thinkers, especially since air signs are associated with intellect and are often at the forefront of the next revolution — or at least the ones giving an impassioned speech. They share this sense of conviction with Scorpio and Taurus.

The “aqua” in Aquarius comes from its symbol, the Water Bearer, which provides essential resources to the land. In the same way, those who fall under this sign are deeply connected to their community. Naturally, they value teamwork, connection, and togetherness. They strive to create a better future for all, whether in their small community or the greater world, and they have the traits and skills to make it so. When speaking or connecting with an Aquarius, you can skip the gossip and the niceties. This sign can be a little hard to get close with initially because they’re far more interested in big-picture ideas and worldly changes than just being polite. One way to get through to them is to tap into the bigger ideas of innovation, change-making, and creativity that inspire Aquarius signs daily. 

Virgo and Aquarius in Friendship

A lot of good can happen in an Aquarius and Virgo friendship. Virgos are detail-oriented and strive for perfection, and Aquarius signs are all about big ideas and new ideas. A friendship or work partnership between the two can therefore mean the perfect balance between checking the math and discovering brand-new equations. Virgo loves to problem solve and always get stuff done, which can mean that the idealistic Aquarius gets the support they need  to follow through on the next great project for their community. The flip side of this is that Virgo signs don’t just like to be in control — they need to be in control, so the Aquarius instinct to push the envelope, rebel against the status quo, and chase new creative ideas might just be what Virgo needs to get out of their own head… or it might just be enough to make them lose their cool. 

A friendship between these two signs will require a give-and-take of control and patience so that Aquarius and Virgo can continue to bring out the best in each other. There’s also a balance in the way the two communicate; while Virgos set extremely high expectations for their friends and loved ones, sometimes to a fault, they tend to be quite adept in social situations and can easily navigate the small talk and niceties that Aquarius signs tend to avoid. 

Possible Challenges

Virgo needs to remember that Aquarians are only tough on the outside and can be sensitive under their tough shells, much like a Cancer or Pisces. Critique and expectation without kindness will only cause the Aquarius to shut down or disappear, so balancing out raw honesty with a little gentleness is key.

These two signs are truly different, down to their opposing elements. That means they can bring out the worst in each other or the best. When they’re willing to put in the work, though, Aquarius and Virgo may just be the duo that changes not just each other for the better — but the world as a whole. 

Aquarius and Virgo in Love

When it comes to love, Virgo and Aquarius will need to find a compromise between detailed planning and a spontaneous outlook on life. Both of these signs live by their own rules, and those rules do have the tendency to compete on occasion. Still, open communication, patience, and kindness can make this a pretty remarkable zodiac love pairing… it’ll just take a little more effort.

One of the features that will keep this bond strong from the start is intellect. Both of these signs love to know more, though for different reasons. Chasing new ideas and a better understanding of the world around them will give this couple something to talk about for many years to come. They may additionally appreciate the other’s insight into those new ideas, with Virgo taking a detailed and practical approach to learning and Aquarius following their curious heart whenever they get the chance. 

At the end of the day, Virgo and Aquarius are problem-solvers, and how each sign looks at those problems can make for a healthy relationship. Virgos love action; they see a challenge or an issue and address it systematically with quantifiable steps right out of the gate. Aquarius men and women can assist in solving problems, but they tend to be drawn to more structural problems around inequity, community needs, or resources, which aren’t so easily solved. This can actually work in this pairing’s favor, as Virgo can give Aquarius new ideas and ways of thinking about their community, and Aquarius can give Virgo a challenge.

Potential Problem Areas

Aquarius’s perpetually curious heart is something to consider when it comes to pairings between these two. Virgo likes to make plans, and that includes settling down for the long haul and knowing every detail about the journey. For Aquarius women and men, however, it’s all about the here and now. These two competing traits can make for a great complement to the other, or it can leave the Virgo feeling ghosted and the Aquarius feeling tied down. It’s important for this duo, especially early on, to discuss expectations and boundaries so that they both feel comfortable and have their needs met.

As in their friendship, these two can complement each other’s communication styles in a relationship, if they figure out how to learn from each other. Virgo women and men are ruled by Mercury, which means they’re adept at navigating social situations — and this is particularly useful when Aquarius just can’t be bothered, which is most of the time. Virgo can also be harsh with their expectations and standards, so it’s important for them to remember that the brash Aquarius isn’t quite as cold as they seem and that a little bit of gentleness will go a long way in the couple’s emotional and sexual relationship. Air and earth signs can flow in completely different directions, but they can also ground, balance, and complete each other in truly unique and innovative ways.

Virgo and Aquarius: Written in the Stars?

From your sun sign to your moon sign, your element to your modality, your birth chart can provide essential information about you as a person and how you navigate the most important relationships in your life. Astrology can even tell you what to watch out for and how to be patient when interacting with different signs in the zodiac, from Aries to Capricorn to Leo. One pairing that’s all about balance is that of Virgo and Aquarius. This is the hard-working duo to watch for when it comes to really making a difference in the world, and they can become remarkable friends and lovers if they’re willing to listen, relax, and let their guards down. The skills and perspectives of Virgo and Aquarius can be used in tandem to help their friends, communities, and themselves transform and grow.

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