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Grieving Grandmother Gets Sweet Signs From Heaven: “They’re Okay!”

Woman's World reader Shirley Veer finds comfort in Heaven-sent signs

For the last 20 years Woman’s World magazine has featured the weekly “My Guardian Angel” column, where real women share first-person accounts of their amazing encounters with Angels. Now, we are sharing those heartwarming stories of loving comfort, Heaven-sent helpers and miraculous rescues online with the mission of continuing to spread hope and light.

Here, Woman’s World reader Shirley Veer shares how she was surprised when her two grandsons found a way to make her smile all the way from Heaven.

Shirley’s Guardian Angel story told in her own words:

On September 1, 2019, my husband and I lost our grandson Robby in a vehicle accident. The following year, on September 3, our grandson John died from an epileptic seizure. Both were in their early 30s.

Two days after John passed, my daughter Lori came to my house and said, “Mom, I have something for you.” She gave me a card that John had made for me four years earlier, when I was having heart surgery. He had written “Grandma” across the top in fancy calligraphy.

Under that, he’d drawn a rose, and written the words: This rose will never wilt. I love you, John.

Lori had not opened her car glove box since she put the card in there four years before. Then, two days after John passed, she suddenly opened it.

The special artwork that Shirley's grandson, John made for her
The special artwork that Shirley’s grandson, John made for her

Two weeks later, I was puzzled when I heard music coming from the drawer of my nightstand. I was surprised to find an old phone ringing.

Two years had gone by since I had replaced that phone with my new one. The phone company had removed everything from that phone and transferred it all to my new phone.

Twice, I had tried to charge up the old phone, thinking my great-grandkids­ could play with it, but it wouldn’t take a charge.

Now it had an 80% charge. It also had all the old information restored!

Cell phone ringing in a drawer
My Guardian AngelGetty

I called Jeff and Sherrie (John’s parents) and Melodie, (Robby’s mom). I told them to come to see my phone. The phone was now at 46%. John’s birthday is 4/6/1990. After the phone went dead again, I tried to get it to charge, but it will not take a charge.

I believe that John and Robby caused Lori to open her glove box and made my phone ring. They always enjoyed playing pranks on me. I think they took one more opportunity to let me know that they are okay.

Angel expert, Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston

“It is such a blessing when you can recognize the signs and messages from our loved ones in the spirit world. In Shirley’s case, it is an unmistakable sign that her beloved grandsons are with her,” says Sunny Dawn Johnson, a global authority on the angelic realm, with a portfolio of 22 books, including popular titles such as Invoking the Archangels, The Love Never Ends, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. “The symbolism that the boys showed, not just with the music playing through the old unused phone but the 46% charge, signifying John’s birthday, is not a coincidence. And how fun that her grandsons haven’t lost their touch for the pranks they were known for playing…this time to bring joy, happiness and a knowing that they are okay.” Read more of Sunny’s insightful stories here.

Do you have an Angel story to share?

Send your story, along with a clear photo of yourself and your name, address and phone number to: By submitting your story, you are granting Woman’s World magazine permission to use it and your photo in the print magazine, on our website and/or in future special issue publications. Submissions may be edited for style.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.

Want to read more Guardian Angel encounters?

Grieving Granddaughter Finds Comfort on Valentine’s Day: “Angels Made It Possible!”

After Losing Her Son, Grieving Mother Finds Comfort From Heaven: “The Signs Kept Coming!”

Grieving Wife Receives Comforting Signs From Heaven: “He’s Helping Me Get Through!”


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